Monday, August 07, 2006


The life expectancy was 74.7 years, the average household income was $24,897, the cost of a stamp was $.22, the cost of a gallon of gas was $.93, I finished fifth grade, and Craig graduated from high school. We went to Craig's 20th class reunion this last weekend. Since I didn't know very many of his classmates, I did a lot of listening and people watching on Friday and Saturday night. It is interesting how after everyone says hi, where do you live, and how many kids do you have, they somehow all migrate back to the same groups they hung out with in high school. There was a lot of reminiscing and stories that began with, "hey remember that time at that party when...?" For some reason hangovers and being pulled over by the cops when you were eighteen is still hilarious twenty years later. I heard several times, "you should have seen this guy in high school! I can't believe he found someone that could settle him down and clean him up like this." I took this as a compliment (I think.) Craig had a really good time and is already looking forward to his twenty-fifth.

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