Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I'm trying to improve lots of things. Today, I don't really know where to focus. I'm trying to stick to our budget, which is basically don't spend anything (a little bit of an exaggeration,) exercise every day (not doing too bad there,) plan a menu, buy groceries according to menu, keep menu healthy, continue to organize house, get rid of more clutter, sort closets and dressers, keep up with laundry, clean a little every day, spend as much time with Jack as I can when he is awake, read my big stack of books, and update Jack's baby book. I seem to be going in circles a lot of the time!


Anonymous said...

welcome to motherhood! :-)

brenda mohr said...

What is with this menu planning? I must have missed something. Menus don't work for me anyway. Before I could finish a big meal, it would go bad. I'll just keep reading about everyone else's food adventures.

Anonymous said...

sounds a little bit like our house! :)