Monday, June 04, 2007


Today my goals were to: 1) take a shower, 2) unpack and put things away, 3) clean up the kitchen, 4) relax a little bit and maybe take a nap this afternoon. Jack and I went to my dad and stepmom's for the weekend while Craig was in Phoenix for a conference. We missed all the excitement back here at home with the tornado. Craig was very concerned about the storage shed he had started, but it is still standing and our house is fine. Craig had to go down to Fruitland for work this morning and said that the pictures we have seen don't even come close to showing the devastation. When I heard about the storm, I was so thankful I was not at home with Jack alone as I don't particularly like severe weather. :) Jack and I had a great time, but we are both worn out! The first three things on my list are just about done!

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