Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I'm trying to use up the groceries we have in the cupboard before I go to buy more. Tonight I tried a recipe on the back of the Shake n' Bake box. It was so good! Craig really liked it too. It was the Parmesan shake n' bake. You could probably duplicate it on your own. I baked the chicken with the Parmesan shake n' bake for about 25 minutes and then added spaghetti sauce, mozzarella cheese and some Italian spices for the last 10 minutes. We ate it with pasta. I will have to see if Aldi has a form of Shake n' bake or experiment with something else. Very, very good!
It was so fun to get together with friends for coffee today. We had a lot of fun! I came away feeling refreshed and ready to tackle projects at home. I was inspired and motivated just by listening to other women. Thanks Pam!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Daddy's My Hero
In Between
I'm trying to improve lots of things. Today, I don't really know where to focus. I'm trying to stick to our budget, which is basically don't spend anything (a little bit of an exaggeration,) exercise every day (not doing too bad there,) plan a menu, buy groceries according to menu, keep menu healthy, continue to organize house, get rid of more clutter, sort closets and dressers, keep up with laundry, clean a little every day, spend as much time with Jack as I can when he is awake, read my big stack of books, and update Jack's baby book. I seem to be going in circles a lot of the time!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Spring Fever
I am so ready for spring! I have been looking forward all week to walking outside with a group of girls I have met at Curves. We were supposed to walk this afternoon, and of course our walk has been cancelled due to the weather. I can't wait to take Jack for walks on sunny afternoons. I know it will come soon, and then it will be followed by hot summer days, but I am ready!!!
Friday, February 23, 2007
His Smile Melts My Heart
Not Much New Here
There's not much new happening here. I'm having trouble being motivated today to do much of anything. I'm tired and I think that combined with the gray weather is contributing to my feeling lazy. I have done a little laundry, but that's about it. I had plans to plan a menu for the week and then buy groceries, but I haven't gotten to that yet. Jack is taking a nap, so I could be very productive and instead I am sitting in front of my computer, eating popcorn, and blogging!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Happy Valentine's Day
Snowy Valentine's Day
Friday, February 16, 2007
Winter In Iowa
I guess there is more snow headed toward Southwest Iowa, so Jack and I are headed home today. We just made the decision a few minutes ago. I am trying to gather up all of our stuff that seems to have gotten spread all over the house the last few days. I talked to Craig last night after they had just come down from the mountains. He said it was an awesome trip. I can't wait to hear about it! Well, Jack is taking a nap and I have packing to do!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
We Made It
Jack and I are at Grandma and Grandpa's house while Craig is gone. Jack was such a good traveler and has been wonderful here. He is taking great naps and even sleeping better at night. I seem to have caught a terrible cold and feel pretty miserable. I'm hoping for some relief soon and also hope Jack does not catch it from me. Craig called us yesterday morning before they headed up into the village where they will be. He was having some stomach problems, and I am praying that they have ended already so he can enjoy his trip. I've been taking some really cute pictures, but probably won't post until we are home. This morning we are buried in snow here, so today we will all be inside playing with Jack!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Going Backward
Jack had been doing so well with naps and sleeping at night. We moved him to his crib a few weeks ago. He slept in the bassinet for quite a while and then we moved him to the pack-and-play because I wasn't all that excited to have the crib in our room. I didn't think Jack was ready to sleep in his room yet because he was still waking up a few times in the night to eat. Then as we got closer to Craig going to Guatemala, (I will be at my parents for the week,) I thought it might just be better to wait until our trip to Grandpa and Grandma's was over since it usually messes up our routine a little bit. Then a couple weeks ago, he just wasn't sleeping well in the pack-and-play at all, so we did move the crib into our room. Last week, he was sleeping about 7 hours before he would wake up to eat once in the night. Then all of a sudden, the last three nights he has been up every 2 - 2 1/2 hours to eat. I have tried everything I know to try. I keep giving him his pacifier, hoping he will go back to sleep. It doesn't work. I let him cry for a little while, but Craig needs to sleep so that he can get up and go to work. He also doesn't understand that there is a reason behind my wanting to let him cry. Craig thinks that if he's crying, he's hungry, so feed him. This led to an argument this morning, for which I have already called and apologized. I'm just not sure why he is waking up when I know he can sleep longer. Not really sure what to do.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
4 Months
Jack had his 4 month check up yesterday. It went well. He has grown from the 20th percentiles for height and weight at his 2 month check up to the 70th percentiles for height and weight yesterday. His head is in the 80th percentile. He took his shots well also. I still hate to watch it though. He has really discovered his voice within the last month or so and is making some really funny noises. Just today, he has started screaming. It's not crying screaming, just screaming to make noise. It is funny! Today for the first time, I didn't rock him at all when he started to get tired. I just laid him in his crib and he went to sleep. The first time, I could hear him talking to himself for a few minutes and then it was quiet. Our baby is growing too fast! :( I know it's inevitable.
Thursday, February 01, 2007

We have been using Gripe Water for the last few days and it seems to be making a huge difference! All of a sudden, within the last few weeks, Jack was a lot more fussy after eating and when trying to go to sleep. The Gripe Water seems to have settled his tummy. He burps right away now, and is a much happier baby!
I, Personally, Love The Hat
3 Months On Oreo
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