Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Going Backward

Jack had been doing so well with naps and sleeping at night. We moved him to his crib a few weeks ago. He slept in the bassinet for quite a while and then we moved him to the pack-and-play because I wasn't all that excited to have the crib in our room. I didn't think Jack was ready to sleep in his room yet because he was still waking up a few times in the night to eat. Then as we got closer to Craig going to Guatemala, (I will be at my parents for the week,) I thought it might just be better to wait until our trip to Grandpa and Grandma's was over since it usually messes up our routine a little bit. Then a couple weeks ago, he just wasn't sleeping well in the pack-and-play at all, so we did move the crib into our room. Last week, he was sleeping about 7 hours before he would wake up to eat once in the night. Then all of a sudden, the last three nights he has been up every 2 - 2 1/2 hours to eat. I have tried everything I know to try. I keep giving him his pacifier, hoping he will go back to sleep. It doesn't work. I let him cry for a little while, but Craig needs to sleep so that he can get up and go to work. He also doesn't understand that there is a reason behind my wanting to let him cry. Craig thinks that if he's crying, he's hungry, so feed him. This led to an argument this morning, for which I have already called and apologized. I'm just not sure why he is waking up when I know he can sleep longer. Not really sure what to do.


Jennie Peakin said...

I totally understand that Craig has to get up and work because that was the argument with Sean and I too. I will say though that the only suggestion I can give you is to start putting him down awake and letting him cry it out. Tate cried for a whole hour (and it was a HARD cry) the first night, but after that he didn't and he sleeps through the night. He's learned to sooth himself back to sleep. He still wakes up in the night, but he doesn't cry, he just chatters for a bit and then goes back to sleep. It only takes a couple or maybe 3 nights and he'd be sleeping through the night. If you let him cry for a while and then go get him, he'll learn that if he keeps crying, eventually you'll come. So my suggestion, the first time he wakes up in the night OR if you put him down awake and he starts to cry, let him cry it out. This was the BEST parenting advice I have gotten!

jody said...

do it while Craig is gone. It will be less stressful when only you have to deal with it. A couple nights and by the time Craig gets back, he'll be a different sleeper.
(btw, it totally sucks for a couple nights. but it does work)

Jennie Peakin said...

I it when Craig is gone. Although, it was nice for me to have my husband to hold me back when Tate had been crying for what seemed like an eternity and I wanted to go in there. Just be strong and don't go to may take a while, but he'll go to sleep and it really is good for him!

Sara said...

I don't know if it would do any good to do it while Craig is gone, because I'm going to be at my parents for the entire time. I don't want to keep them awake and Jack will probably be a little messed up anyway since he won't be in his house or room. We'll figure something out. Thanks for all the advice!