Jack has been so healthy. We went all winter without a cold or the flu. He woke up yesterday coughing and sneezing. In the night I could hear him coughing and it sounds like it may be in his chest. We are going to the doctor today. He is such a little trooper. One tooth is through the gum and he is working on another one. Despite all of this, he has been sleeping through the night the last three nights. The first night, we had been outside that afternoon, so I gave him a bath later than usual. I don't know if this has contributed to the sound sleep but we did it again the last couple of nights. Now we take a bath, read some books, eat and go to bed. Bathtime/bedtime, is one of my favorite times of the day! He just smells so good and looks so cute with damp hair (yes, there is hair there, he is getting more and more every day) and wearing his jammies :)