Thursday, April 12, 2007

6 Month Check Up

Jack had his 6 month check up today. He is doing very well. He's in the 75th percentiles for height and weight and 90th for his head. He was so funny. He smiled and squeeled at the doctor. He loved the paper on the exam table. It was torn to shreds when we left. He has a tooth just about through the gum. He can sit by himself for a little while and is getting better and better at that each day. He was extra fussy tonight. I'm sure this is due to the shots and his tooth. He loves to eat! He can't seem to get enough. I usually have to cut him off and it doesn't matter what it is. I was looking at pictures tonight of when we brought him home. It is truly amazing how much he has changed. Those first couple months seem kind of like a blur now. I'm trying to enjoy each day as much as I possibly can!

1 comment:

Jennie Peakin said...

Tate had his 6 month checkup on Monday and his head is huge too! It's in the 90th percentile and his weight and length are in the 60th. It's funny you talked about the paper because the paper on the table was torn to shreds when we left too! :) He had little chunks everywhere and was trying to eat it and didn't want to let go of it. Hilarious!