Monday, June 11, 2007


It's not one of my better traits. I seem to put off things often that really wouldn't take long or wouldn't be bad if I would just get started. I am procrastinating this morning by checking email and blogs. I have a couple large piles of laundry to be done, dishes filling the sink along with the waffle iron and George Foreman that we used yesterday (two of my least favorite kitchen items to clean), dusting and vacuuming upstairs, luggage to be put away, closet to sort through, some things to take to Goodwill and finding time to enjoy a beautiful day with Jack. Finding time to play with Jack is always easy to do. It's the other things that keep getting postponed until tomorrow over and over again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A messy house can be frustrating! But at least you have your priorities straight! Jack won't be little for very long. Tidy up the main stuff and let the upstairs and closets go! My theory is to clean just enough to keep me sane ;)