Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So Funny!

Jack still isn't talking a whole lot. He makes sounds, points and uses some sign language. We know what he means. We work on our manners a lot. One of Jack's new favorite treats are Kraft caramels. I have some on the piano for students. He knows where they are. :) This morning, he was pointing and patting his tummy. I was sitting on the couch. He then came over to me and kept patting his tummy. I figured out he was saying please, only the sign for please is higher, on your chest. I said,"Oh, you're saying please. Higher!" Jack then stood on his tip-toes and raised his head and kept patting his tummy. He was higher. It was very funny in the moment. I didn't even know he knew what higher meant. I helped him with his hand and put it higher on his chest as we shared a caramel.

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