Sunday, February 08, 2009

Needed Changes

There are many things I need to change and one of them is the look of my blog. I have been experimenting tonight. It may change several more times before I decide if I like it or not. I've had to try several things to figure out most of what I can do on the computer. I still can't figure out how to have a collage of pictures at the top of my blog. I'm sure it's not as difficult as I am making it. I will work on it some more tomorrow. I am going to bed. Craig seems to have caught Jack's bug. He hasn't felt well today. I need rest so I can hopefully be the healthy one to take care of the other two :)

1 comment:

priscilla joy said...

Hi Mrs.Butler, I LOVE LOVE your new look. It looks so amazing. Perfect for spring coming soon.
