I can't believe that much time has passed since I last blogged. Life is just passing too quickly! Right now, I'm procrastinating getting ready for a showing. It could be a very interesting day as the weather could be severe and someone will be looking at our house just at the time they have predicted the severe weather. With the heavy rain comes a lot of water in our basement which is wonderful for a house showing! :) They are also talking about the possibility of tornadoes which is great with elementary age kids and piano lessons.
We had a nice Mother's Day. Craig's mom came over after church and we took her to lunch. In the evening, Craig, Jack and I went to Dairy Queen and ate our ice cream outside. Jack thought this was pretty neat and has wanted to do it again every time we've driven by DQ since.
Craig is taking a week of vacation the last week of May. He told me the other day I need to go do something fun. He thinks I need a break. Leaving town to visit friends would be so fun but it's just too difficult to get away. That is also the week before my piano recital, so I can't leave town because I can't miss any lessons. There is also that minor detail of possible house showings. I'll have to keep thinking and see what I can find to do.
These pictures were taken a while ago. Jack loves my makeup, headbands, bracelets, etc. Craig wonders if we need to be concerned. ;)
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