I hope that once we are moved and settled, I can turn over several new leaves. Things have just seemed so unorganized and chaotic for months. I don't function well in chaos and it is taking a toll on me. I'm trying to hang on for a few more weeks. We have been working hard to finish the list of projects requested by the buyers of our house. My job most of the time is to keep Jack busy so daddy can climb the ladder and paint. I did quite a bit of painting too during nap time. There are so many things I can't find right now. Craig keeps telling me they will show up as I pack or unpack. I have grand plans for great organization in a house with more space and more storage. We'll see what happens.
Our 4th of July was eventful. I will spare you all the details but will share hightlights. We went to the wedding of the owner of the company Craig works for. It was out in the country at his house. It had been raining all day. Jack hadn't had a nap (just the way it worked yesterday.) Craig had to take his company truck to bring back a piece of machinery. Lots of things happened between home and the wedding (even before we left home.) When we got there, the guy in charge of parking, told Craig to park in a back field (I guess because we had the big pick up.) The field was one big mud hole. I walked in mud up to my shins holding up my pants to a wedding. Lovely!!! Needless to say, I was not a happy camper. Jack hadn't had a nap and was wound! This made for such a wonderful evening. It will be a day to remember for sure.
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