Yesterday was a crazy day. I didn't even have time to blog about it until now. Jack and I went to the infant swim at the aquatic center. He loves the water. I was concerned about how he would do without a nap until it was over at 11:00. He fell asleep in the car on the way home. While he was sleeping, I rushed around to get ready, as he had his 9 month checkup at 1:00. That went well. I knew Elder
Beerman was having sales. Jack seemed to be in a good mood when we left the doctor, so I decided to run in and look at baby clothes. I did find some bargains. While I was checking out, I looked down and Jack had had an explosive diaper and it was coming out of his shorts and was all over the stroller. I really didn't know what to do. I decided to try to clean him up in the car. This ended up not probably being the best choice because it was so hot and the air in my car is not working. Jack was crying. I was trying to hurry. I ran out of wipes. There was poop on him, me, and the car. I got him clean as best I could and headed home. I had about 45 minutes before I was to have a piano student arrive. I hurried and gave Jack a bath, fed him, and picked up the living room a little bit. The student did not show up. Gotta love it! I enjoyed playing with Jack instead. It would just would have been nice to know ahead of time when I was rushing around to be ready by 4:30. I did get to hang out with some girls last night at a spa party. I was so ready for that! What a day.