Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Need To Take Some Pictures

I haven't taken any pictures the last few days. I need to take some. Today, Jack and I are headed to the last infant swim at the aquatic center for the summer. It is somewhat sad that summer is coming to an end, but I LOVE fall! It is my favorite season. I love the colors, the smell of chili in the crock-pot, football on the TV, pumpkins, the cooler weather, layering clothes, and getting out the sweatshirts and sweaters. We are looking forward to a break from the 90 + degree weather. This week I have been thinking about those kids, and adults, that have exhibits at the State Fair and how miserable it is in the heat. I love the State Fair but we won't be going this year. Pushing a stroller through the crowd and trying to find a clean place to change diapers and having to wait in lines with a 10-month-old doesn't sound very exciting to me. I also don't think Jack would be very content in a stroller all day now that he is crawling EVERYWHERE. After swimming today, I hope to finish some sewing projects I have been working on for a few days. We'll see how it goes.

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