Sunday, January 20, 2008


Yesterday I went to Iowa City to meet some friends for late lunch/early supper. We always have a good time. I had been waiting until we got together to go shopping with my/Jack's Christmas money. I had something I needed to get for him and I wanted to get new tennis shoes. I thought I could run into the mall, find what I needed, get out and meet my friends. I did allow about 1 1/2 hours. The mall was crazy!!! You would have thought it was Christmas Eve. I guess the cold drove everyone to the mall. It was not enjoyable for me at all. I did find a pair of shoes I liked, and waited and waited for someone to help me. I finally gave up. It really felt like a lot of time wasted. I could have been doing something at home and left to meet my friends later. Oh well. Today I have been looking at shoes online. I had a great time with my friends.

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