Sunday, April 06, 2008


In the last few weeks or couple of months, God has really worked on my heart in several ways. One way is that I have reached a place where I am content in our current house. Craig on the other hand, has had a new resolve and motivation to get all the projects done so we can move on. We live on an alley and have some neighbors that can be pretty rowdy. A sign of the change of seasons and warmer weather are gatherings at the neighbors. It already started last night! They were pretty loud until about 12:00 am. I know I shouldn't be shocked but there are always several little kids over there too. We even had some of the older ones looking in our windows last night before I pulled the blinds. I'm working really hard to love people and allow the Holy Spirit to change my heart. I have to admit I wasn't feeling much love last night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have the very same issues here, and it is difficult to love when you are upset about things going on. I want to move where Amy S. lives after reading her blog :)dg