Saturday, May 24, 2008


Yesterday, Jack has his regular well check doctor's appt. It went well. He is growing and is developmentally on track right where he should be. His appetite has really increased in just the last month or so. The other day he ate 3 pieces of pizza along with some other things all by himself! At his last check up he was in the 70th percentile for ht. and wt. Now he is in the 90th. He doesn't really seem that big to me. He is just wearing 18 month clothes in most brands. Anyway, when we got to the doctor's office, I needed to use the restroom. I, of course, took him in with me. When I went to wash my hands, I turned my back just for a second and heard the sound of the toilet paper being unwound. I hurried to grab Jack only to find him throwing toilet paper into the toilet and his hands down in the toilet water. We quickly washed his hands. He has become so much more busy and is definitely keeping us on our toes!

1 comment:

Jennie Peakin said...

That is so funny, but it is pretty gross too! :) How much did Jack weigh? He doesn't look that big to me least not in pictures. Tate was in the 60th percentile for ht and wt at his 18 month check up and his head (as usual) was off the charts! Ha. Tate has recently become obsessed with the toilet as well, we can't even let him in the bathroom for a second without us or something will end up in the toilet! Boys will be boys! :-)