Monday, July 14, 2008


After a somewhat, stressful, discouraging (not even sure those are the right words) weekend, I feel so much better today. Trying to finish improvements on our house seems to be taking a lot longer than I thought they would. I know Craig is working so hard. He works long hours at work and comes home totally drained after being in the heat all day. Then he plays with Jack for a while and goes back to work on the house. We had just gotten done "discussing" the house Saturday afternoon, and his phone rang calling him to work. Someone had cut a cable and Craig had to go fix it. He didn't get home until after 8 Saturday evening. I was really frustrated. I'm sure I wasn't half as frustrated as he was. Yesterday several things happened that put things in perspective and made it all seem so much better. Today I feel refreshed and recommitted to patience, love, exercise, Craig, Jack, and life at the Butler house in general.

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