Mommy's favorite find of the day: Nikes in great condition for $3.00!

Jack's favorite find of the day: A laughing Elmo chair. Thank you Grandma!

Daddy's favorite shirt from our pile of clothes: Sorry Grandpa Clayton - it's impossible to find anything ISU in the Quad Cities and Mommy did get 1 of her degrees from Iowa. :)

looks like some great deals alright! that elmo chair is so cute....i can't sympathize with isu or the hawks...i happen to be a usc fan!:)
GO HAWKS!!! Tate has that same shirt! Those shoes look like they're new!
Personnally, I think Nebraska is the preferential team!!!
Why do I have a "trash can" under my Nebraska statement? Huh Huh Huh!
I really don't care what team it is! Who Craig likes depends on the teams playing. I just thought the shirt was cute and it really looks brand new.
You have inspired me, Sara! Tate and I are going to some consignment stores tomorrow...hopefully we'll have all the luck you had! :)
Good Luck! I got A LOT of really cute things. I probably spent more than I should have, but I keep reminding myself what it would have cost if I had bought it all new. We're pretty much set for fall and winter now.
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