Friday, July 28, 2006

The Great Debate

Back when we were dating, Craig had told me that he would someday like to name a son after his grandpa, Jack Butler. They were very close. I like the name too. We have tried to find out the sex of this baby and it hasn't cooperated, so we have been discussing names for boys and girls. We agree on the first name for a girl also, and are working on a middle name. As we have talked about a name for a boy, Craig has said that he thinks it would be really cool to have his initials spell JEB. He thinks this is a great redneck name, would look cool on the back of a shirt, and I guess it was the name of a Civil War general. (He is a history buff and loves to read about the Civil War) I don't mind JEB at all, but Craig is trying to rally support from family and friends for the middle name Elvis! He actually has some supporters. I'm going to have to work harder to find people who will side with me. How about a nice middle name like Emmet, Evan, or Ethan?

1 comment:

Cassie said...

my vote is ETHAN!
but i don't think it'll be an's definitely a GIRL! :)