One of Craig's best friends and heroes is Heath. Heath invited Craig to come to Calvary for the first time with some of his other buddies. We can actually give him a lot of the credit for Craig and I meeting each other and eventually getting married since we met at Calvary. Heath is fun, crazy, very sincere, and definitely on fire for God. He is also somewhat of an exhibitionist ( I have been mooned on occasion). After we have been to visit Heath and Jennifer, he definitely rubs off on Craig and I have my own little exhibitionist who thinks that he is very funny ( I, not so much at times). I have been thinking about and praying for Heath a lot lately as he is part of the special forces stationed in the Middle East. He and Jennifer have two adorable little boys and another on the way. I admire Jennifer for staying home with two toddlers, while pregnant, by herself. This last week, Heath was guarding Condoleezza Rice. I admire the sacrifice that both he and Jennifer are making. We love them and will continue to keep them in our prayers until Heath is home to stay.
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