Sunday, October 29, 2006
So I Was Wrong
I didn't post anything soon like I had thought I would. It turned out that Jack may have had a little bug of some kind. We took his temperature and he had a little fever. He may have passed it on to me as I had the flu Friday and had it worse than I have had it since high school. I told Craig I would really rather have a baby than feel how I felt. The bugs mixed with visits from aunts and uncles from both sides as well as one from Grandma, have filled our time the last few days. We also had fun at our second infant massage class today. We learned several massage strokes to help with constipation and gas which would have been very helpful the last couple days. While I was sick, I couldn't sit up to nurse and used some formula a few times which seems to have messed up Jack's tummy. I think we are on the mend.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Still Here
I am still here. I hope to post soon. I am typing this post one-handed as I have been holding Jack all day. He has been a little more fussy than usual. He has been eating around the clock which I had expected to happen last week since they usually have a growth spurt at three weeks. Today I have been discouraged. It has to get a little easier soon, right? He is a good baby overall and I love him to death. I am just extremely tired and overwhelmed as I look around at all the things that need to be done. I am trying to treasure each moment we have together as I know I will blink and he won't be a baby anymore.
Friday, October 20, 2006
I am feeling somewhat rested today. I have had the hardest time letting myself sleep during the day when Jack sleeps. Yesterday, I did. I slept off and on while he slept until 4:00. Last night he had a pretty good night. He was still up every 1 1/2 - 2 hours to eat. He ate for about a half hour and then went back to sleep, so I was able to get some sleep. I am going to try to tackle some picking up around the house and writing thank you's today while he is sleeping. Eventually I will have to change out of my pajamas (which I haven't done during the day for a while) to get dressed to have supper with some friends. This morning got off to kind of a rough start for Jack. He had just finished eating and filled his diaper. It was the first one that went up his back. As I was trying to clean him up, which he hates, he threw up, which he does once in a while. When he throws up a lot, he gets really worked up and it takes a while to calm him down. I had been changing him before he eats so that I don't have to move him around a lot right after eating. Today, changing him after eating, couldn't be avoided. He is calm and sleeping now, so I am trying to get organized. I am hoping for a calm afternoon with great accomplishments.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Elvis and Daddy
A Real Bath
Monday, October 16, 2006
It's Been a While
As you can see, I had some catching up to do. This past week was my first week at home with Jack alone, so I didn't seem to find much time to blog. Things are going well. Craig and I are trying to figure things out and take care of Jack the best we can. He had a doctor's appointment on Friday, and has gained weight. The doctor said he is very healthy and is doing well. Nights have gotten a little bit easier. Jack is a "rester," according to "What To Expect the First Year." When he eats, he will eat a little and then rest or even fall asleep. This has been challenging at night. The first couple weeks, when he would wake up to eat it would take 1 1/2 - 2 hours to feed him and get him back to sleep. These last few nights he has been doing much better and we are down to 1 hour when he wakes up to eat so we are getting a little more sleep. He is an angel during the day. He has been a very good baby and we are praying that it stays this way.
I Need to Grow a Little Bit

Craig's sister had a baby boy Tuesday, October 10. He was three weeks early, weighed just over 6 pounds, and is doing very well. His name is Maclain (but I'm not sure how they are spelling it.) We were able to go see them and compare notes. It will be so much fun to have cousins so close in age. Our camera's batteries died just as we were going to take their first picture together. Craig has talked to his sister a few times since they have been home with the baby and has enjoyed giving advice like we are pros! :)
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Jack enjoyed spending time with Grandpa and Grandma Clayton this weekend. My stepmom Ann was so much help this week as she came to stay with us and help me get on my feet. My dad came last night to spend some time with Jack and pick up Ann. They left this afternoon. I think the road between them and us will be well traveled as we take turns going to see each other (or actually so Jack can be seen.)
Hey Harrison.....Go Clones!!!
Jack Loves His Daddy

Craig has far exceeded my expectations. He had never changed a diaper before. He holds Jack all the time, has become the expert diaper changer, helps me when I am nursing him, talks to Jack all the time, and does anything else he can think of to help me or spend time with Jack. Even in the NICU, when Craig would talk to the nurses, we could tell that Jack knew his daddy's voice and loves his daddy.
Nothing Like It

This is the first time I got to hold Jack. What a feeling. It was one of the greatest moments of my life. I didn't get to hold him just after he was delivered. since I was out most of the day, Craig took me to the NICU Wednesday evening so I could hold him for the first time. He is so sweet! I don't ever want to forget that awesome feeling.
Friday, October 06, 2006
September 27, 2006

He's here! Last Wednesday, September 27, 2006, was a day full of anticipation, excitement, nervousness, fear, joy, elation, and some disappointment. Jack Emmett Butler arrived at 7:58 am. He weighed 7 lbs 2 oz and was 19 inches long. He has a little bit of blonde hair. He is adorable. The delivery went so much better than I could have expected. I was nervous about the C-section. I have had a quick recovery. Even though I had had two steroid shots to help his lungs, he was still having some trouble. After he had been delivered, the doctor let Craig hold him for a moment so I could see him and he was taken to NICU. He was put on oxygen, an IV of antibiotics and other monitors. He was in the NICU for three days. It got old riding in a wheel chair or walking down to the nursery to be able to hold him and start to try feeding him. Finally, on Saturday morning, he was able to come to my room and stay with Craig and I. We had a rough start trying to learn how to eat, but he is doing much better. We brought Jack home on Sunday. The week has been a little crazy, but wonderful! (Lots more pictures to come. I'm trying to figure out how to use our new digital camera!)
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