I have been trying to get Jack to the photographer to get his picture taken for about a month now. Something always happened. I had the flu one day, when we had planned to go. For a few days, it was just way to cold to take him outside. The weather would be bad, or there was something I had to do at home. We finally made it yesterday. I had planned to get his picture taken at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 1 year. He will be four months on Saturday, so we barely made it! I packed his outfit for pictures and waited to put it on him until we got to the mall (he's been having some blow-out diapers.) I got him dressed and headed to Penny's first. They were all booked! It had been a stressful morning, and I already felt bad for lugging Jack to the mall as he was having kind of a rough day. When she told me that they couldn't take any walk-ins(I didn't realize you had to schedule), I thought I might cry. I decided we were going to get his picture taken somehow. We ended up at another studio. It took a long time to get Jack to smile. He was so serious and very tired. He did smile a few times. It was a tough choice. All his pictures were so sweet. This is the one we picked!
he is SO handsome!! :)
Hi Sara,
I just realized I should have replied to your last comment that you posted on my blog here on your blog. I replied on my blog and it's a long comment so just thought I would let you know to check out my reply on my blog. :) Sorry for the confusion!
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