Friday, March 30, 2007

Still Chasing My Tail

I don't feel like I get much done at all. I would love for all of my house to be in some kind of order all at the same time. Just as I am getting the upstairs wipped into shape the downstairs falls apart and visa versa. I have been using my Crock-Pot more lately which has been helpful. I am trying to balance time with Jack, and of course taking care of him, keeping our house somewhat clean, keeping up with laundry, exercising, time with Craig, time with God, blogging, time with friends and family, reading, etc., etc., etc. I wondered if anyone, seriously had any tips that they have found helpful with the keeping house part. I wondered if anyone had some kind of weekly schedule that they have found helpful?!!


Jennie Peakin said...

Tell me about it! I am SO glad your blog is up and running! I love seeing pictures of Jack!

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you, may be the answer. I found it very helpful when I was ready to have some kind of system for house cleaning. She makes cleaning fun and doable. The website can be a little overwhelming at first, but like Flylady says, "Just take babysteps!".


P.S. Let me know what you think! Also, Staci has great ideas from her "Intentional Living". Let's plan a time when we all can get together!