Thursday, January 08, 2009

The Patient

Craig had minor surgery on Tuesday. He was still put under and cut on, so to me, that's more than minor. He came home that same day. He felt ok on the way home, but as the drugs wore off, he didn't feel so great. He was pretty nauseous. My step mom had been told to use oatmeal for nausea. We tried it and it did settle his stomach. Now he is just sore, but doing well. We are slowly trying to get things in order for 2009 - health, budget, organization, house sold, house bought, and several other loose ends from 2008. It's taking longer than I wanted it too. One day at a time!

1 comment:

brenda mohr said...

I hope Craig feels better soon. And I hope you can cross a lot off of that list soon.