Saturday, September 29, 2007
I seem to have come down with a horrendous head cold in the last couple days. Today, I have felt pretty rotten. I don't understand how it seems that I always catch a cold when they are going around. I take a vitamin, eat well, exercise and get pretty good sleep. It just isn't any fun! I'm praying that Craig and Jack don't catch it from me before we leave for our trip to Ohio on Thursday. I'm heading to the kitchen now to drug up with Alka Seltzer and Tylenol and then go to bed.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Jack had his 12 month well check today. He is doing very well. He is average for height and weight. I begged Craig to arrange his work schedule so he could go with me and I was so glad he did. Jack got three shots and they drew blood to check for anemia and lead. He cried really hard this time. It broke my heart. I was very teary during the shots. They took the blood from his finger. He just kept trying so hard to pull his little finger away from the lab tech. Craig was holding him so tight. It seemed like it took an hour to get enough blood. He fell asleep in the car on the way home. We're planning on a restful evening at home playing with Jack before a hectic weekend.
A Year Ago Yesterday...
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Jack's 1st B-Day Party

We celebrated Jack's birthday yesterday with all the grandparents and a few friends. His birthday is the 27th. I think a good time was had by all. I was too busy doing other things that I didn't get that many good pictures. We will have to get some from the grandparents. Here are a few of the highlights.
The Cake
Thursday, September 20, 2007

I can be very annoying. If you were to talk to Craig, and he were being totally honest, I think he would tell you that these are the top two things I do too often, that totally annoy him (there are many others). I always want a different hairstyle. When I get the guts to do something different, I never like it. I come home and complain about it. This time, I just got bangs. I just wanted a small change, but have still been complaining a little bit.
I complain way too much about the house and its lack of cleanliness. I am really working on this one. Today the living room is probably the cleanest it's been since before Jack was born. I just want to stay in there all day. I dread cleaning, but once it's clean, I love it! Today, is the kitchen, the office, and the bathroom, as well as baking the cake. Would it be terrible to put porta-potties on the lawn for the birthday party?
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Crazy Week
I probably shouldn't be taking time to blog, but oh well! I am trying to really clean my house for Jack's birthday party, make his cake, give piano and flute lessons, make it to the high school musical practice at church, run errands, get laundry done, and the other normal everyday stuff. Going to bed late, getting up early. I'm really trying not to be stressed and just take everything in stride. Not easy for me! Can't wait for the party! I know it will be fun and I will be glad when it is over!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Uh Oh!

As I post this blog entry, Craig is at Wal-Mart looking at baby gates. We had been able to get along without one...until now! We had put up barricades with chairs and laundry baskets, but as of this weekend Jack has figured out how to climb the stairs. This is now all he wants to do!
A couple other things he started doing this weekend were: sitting in a circle of his toys and hitting an empty wipe box with a wooden dowel, then turning and hitting another toy, back to the wipe box, then another toy, and back to the wipe box. We think that he is trying to imitate, Louis, the drummer at church. He loves to watch Louis!
Jack has also been laughing when he burps or toots. We will have to work on some manners :) (It is so funny!)
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Did You Say 40?!!

Yes, Craig turned 40 yesterday! He doesn't like to make a big deal out of birthdays. I do! I wanted to have a party and he said absolutely not. I did make him a carrot cake which is his all time favorite. It also gave me a good chance to practice decorating a cake which I have not done before. It didn't turn out so great, so I am glad I practiced. I'm still trying to figure out what I want to do with Jack's. I asked Craig what he wanted for supper and he requested chicken salad from Fareway. He said that a couple guys at work this morning wanted to know what he had for dinner for his 40th birthday and he told them. I asked, "Did you tell them that's what you really wanted so they don't think your wife blew off your birthday?" He said he did tell them and they had a good laugh.
One of His Favorite Spots
Fall Mornings

Jack has been able to pull himself up to furniture for a while, but wouldn't do it often. As of yesterday and this morning, he is doing it all the time. We think that maybe, since he has seen his buddy Harrison walking all over the place, he has decided he has to figure this out so he can keep up with his friend! :)
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tip Tuesday

My friend Jody started Tip Tuesday again last week (our friends share our tips with each other). I was having trouble posting pictures last week so I saved this. This slicer/chopper is great!!! It cuts things to the perfect size and so quickly. It is great for making soup or salads. We really like potatoes baked in the oven with a little olive oil and Lipton onion soup mix. This cuts the potatoes in no time! This one I actually borrowed from my grandma but I have seen them for sale at Wal-Mart. I think she ordered her's from Country Woman magazine. I like it better than the Pampered Chef food chopper.
Monday, September 10, 2007
I love the weather today! The only problem is that I would love to sit in a chair with a cup of coffee and read. I am resisting the urge. I have a lot on my list that I would like to accomplish in the next couple of weeks. One of my weaknesses is and has been for a long time, stressing a lot over my lists. I am trying so hard not to stress. We have Jack's first birthday party in two weeks. I want to make the cake and am trying to decide what I'm going to do. I also have a lot of cleaning I want to do before the party. A couple weeks after that we are going to Ohio for my 10-year college reunion. I also seem to have over committed myself to several things lately. The things I have committed to are all things I enjoy doing, they are just going to keep me VERY busy. I am working on just taking it one day at a time. September will fly by!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
He LOOOOVES to Read!
Rough Couple of Days
Jack hasn't been himself. He has been very clingy. He wants to sit on our laps and snuggle or look at books. I don't mind at all! He usually wants to crawl all over the house. He has also been having very bad diapers and hasn't been eating well. A couple days ago, I ran a couple errands. When I pulled in the driveway and turned around to look at Jack, he had filled his diaper and it was coming out of the diaper. He had discovered it and had it all over his arms, legs, feet, pacifier, in his hair, ears and on his face. I really didn't know what to do first. To make a long story short, my grandma came over to help. What a mess!
I took him to the doctor yesterday and she thought that he has a touch of a virus that is going around. We found this out after waiting for over an hour. Jack did very well, but it's hard to entertain a little guy for that long, especially close to nap time. We even had an appointment. He seems to be doing much better today.
I am amazed at how much he seems to understand. When I ask, "Jack, would you like to read a book?" he will stop what he is doing and go to the books and get one for me to read. When I ask if he would like a drink or a cracker, he will head right for the kitchen. If we ask if he is ready for a bath, he will start pulling at his shirt, like he is trying to take off his clothes. He knows where his head, eyes, nose and ears are. We are working on mouth. He knows tummy and mommy's tummy. The other day, I asked if he knew where my tummy was and he was patting just a little high. It was very funny :) We are enjoying him so much!
I took him to the doctor yesterday and she thought that he has a touch of a virus that is going around. We found this out after waiting for over an hour. Jack did very well, but it's hard to entertain a little guy for that long, especially close to nap time. We even had an appointment. He seems to be doing much better today.
I am amazed at how much he seems to understand. When I ask, "Jack, would you like to read a book?" he will stop what he is doing and go to the books and get one for me to read. When I ask if he would like a drink or a cracker, he will head right for the kitchen. If we ask if he is ready for a bath, he will start pulling at his shirt, like he is trying to take off his clothes. He knows where his head, eyes, nose and ears are. We are working on mouth. He knows tummy and mommy's tummy. The other day, I asked if he knew where my tummy was and he was patting just a little high. It was very funny :) We are enjoying him so much!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I am trying to cross things off my list. I got several little things done yesterday. Jack must be having a growth spurt or something. He was not himself yesterday and has been asleep for almost 2 1/2 hours already this morning. Unfortunately, I had a piano and flute lesson while he has been sleeping, so I didn't have all that time to work on projects. I'm having trouble posting pictures. I hope to have it straightened out soon.
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