Friday, September 28, 2007


Jack had his 12 month well check today. He is doing very well. He is average for height and weight. I begged Craig to arrange his work schedule so he could go with me and I was so glad he did. Jack got three shots and they drew blood to check for anemia and lead. He cried really hard this time. It broke my heart. I was very teary during the shots. They took the blood from his finger. He just kept trying so hard to pull his little finger away from the lab tech. Craig was holding him so tight. It seemed like it took an hour to get enough blood. He fell asleep in the car on the way home. We're planning on a restful evening at home playing with Jack before a hectic weekend.


brenda mohr said...

So glad he is doing well. Happy Birthday, Jack!

Anonymous said...

Sorry all of you had to endure is so hard to see your little one in pain! What a year, huh? It went so fast! Amy