Monday, September 10, 2007


I love the weather today! The only problem is that I would love to sit in a chair with a cup of coffee and read. I am resisting the urge. I have a lot on my list that I would like to accomplish in the next couple of weeks. One of my weaknesses is and has been for a long time, stressing a lot over my lists. I am trying so hard not to stress. We have Jack's first birthday party in two weeks. I want to make the cake and am trying to decide what I'm going to do. I also have a lot of cleaning I want to do before the party. A couple weeks after that we are going to Ohio for my 10-year college reunion. I also seem to have over committed myself to several things lately. The things I have committed to are all things I enjoy doing, they are just going to keep me VERY busy. I am working on just taking it one day at a time. September will fly by!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i HOPE september flies by...AND october!!

i can't believe jack is going to be ONE!