Saturday, September 08, 2007

Rough Couple of Days

Jack hasn't been himself. He has been very clingy. He wants to sit on our laps and snuggle or look at books. I don't mind at all! He usually wants to crawl all over the house. He has also been having very bad diapers and hasn't been eating well. A couple days ago, I ran a couple errands. When I pulled in the driveway and turned around to look at Jack, he had filled his diaper and it was coming out of the diaper. He had discovered it and had it all over his arms, legs, feet, pacifier, in his hair, ears and on his face. I really didn't know what to do first. To make a long story short, my grandma came over to help. What a mess!

I took him to the doctor yesterday and she thought that he has a touch of a virus that is going around. We found this out after waiting for over an hour. Jack did very well, but it's hard to entertain a little guy for that long, especially close to nap time. We even had an appointment. He seems to be doing much better today.

I am amazed at how much he seems to understand. When I ask, "Jack, would you like to read a book?" he will stop what he is doing and go to the books and get one for me to read. When I ask if he would like a drink or a cracker, he will head right for the kitchen. If we ask if he is ready for a bath, he will start pulling at his shirt, like he is trying to take off his clothes. He knows where his head, eyes, nose and ears are. We are working on mouth. He knows tummy and mommy's tummy. The other day, I asked if he knew where my tummy was and he was patting just a little high. It was very funny :) We are enjoying him so much!

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