Thursday, September 21, 2006

He's Not Quite Ready

We are back at home. I had the amniocentesis at 8:00 this morning. It was challenging. My doctor warned us that she would try to get some fluid but wasn't promising as the baby takes up so much room. The amniocentesis was very uncomfortable. My doctor started to get some fluid and the baby moved so she had to take the needle out. She was doing an ultrasound at the same time to watch the baby. She waited until the baby moved again and put the needle back in and was able to get all the fluid she needed. It was then sent to the University and Craig and I went up to Labor and Delivery to wait. While we waited, I was on a monitor to make sure everything was ok after the amnio. We were assured that the baby is a boy. He is also big. I measured at 38 weeks and I will be 36 tomorrow.

After about 2 hours, my doctor came in with a frown. She said that the University had called and his lungs aren't quite ready. I was given a steroid shot and have to go back tomorrow morning for another steroid shot. He will be delivered either Monday or Wednesday next week. My doctor kind of sounded like she was leaning toward Monday. We can get some more things done at home, but it also would have been nice to just do it and get it over with since we were at the hospital. It won't be long now!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

of course our thoughts are with you. hope you can get some things done this weekend and prepare yourself mentally as well!! it was great to see you last night!