Friday, March 07, 2008


I don't have much exciting to post tonight. I have been cleaning off and on all day today. (with Jack's help of course :) Craig has been helping me tonight after Jack went to bed. I was just so behind and had sorting, tossing, and cleaning that just had to be done. The downstairs is in pretty good shape. I hope to tackle the upstairs next week. I keep thinking, if I could get all of the house all clean at one time, maybe I will be able to maintain it! We'll see.


priscilla joy said...

I'm sure with Jack's help things just get cleaner and tidied up even more! Hope you get the upstairs done soon!

Jennie Peakin said...

Do you have pictures from Guatemala?! I have been hoping you would post some! :)

Sara said...

I don't have many pictures yet from Guatemala. I didn't take my own camera which is my biggest regret. Several had said (including my husband,) you don't need to take pictures because you can get copies of all the others the team photographer takes. I hope to be able to order those soon!!!