I had mentioned several months ago, that I kind of liked the decorative stars that I had seen in some country decorating magazines. My decorating style is country/cottage for now, mostly because it is cheaper than other things. I actually like several different styles. I really like the look of sleek, clean lines and simple decorating, similar to pottery barn, but if I went with that look, I'd have to buy all new furniture. Our furniture is all currently, from garage sales or hand-me-downs. With my first apartment I would see little things I liked or I would receive things for birthdays/Christmas that just kind of fit the country style. So that's it for now. Anyway, yesterday, several months later, Craig gave me the stars for my birthday present! I was surprised. (He more than made up for Valentine's Day:)
Way to go, Craig! I'm impressed. :)
I have to also say that I'm impressed that they are up already... that's a gift in itself!
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