"God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, nor sun without rain, but he did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way." I just read this quote a few minutes ago and it was a good reminder for me today. I was making calls to let some family and friends know we had found out today that we are having a boy. When I called my dad's cell phone, I was surprised when my step-mom answered. She went on to explain that they were at the ear specialist. My dad has only been able to hear out of one ear since I was little. A couple weeks ago, he was very sick with some sort of a virus. This week he has a bad summer cold and as of yesterday, can't hear out of his one good ear at all. The specialist told them today that he has lost all of his hearing probably as a result of the virus he had. He is deaf. They have put him on steroids to see if this might bring some hearing back. He will be going to a University hospital here soon, to see the cochlear implant team. He will have to have surgery in the next few weeks sometime to put in the implant. He is going to take a three-month leave of absence from teaching for the beginning of the school year and see what happens after that. My step-mom is writing everything down for him. He is shocked and really down. So am I. I can't talk to him on the phone at all. I was pretty bumbed this afternoon. I am praying first that the steroids will help significantly and bring back some of his hearing. If that doesn't happen, I am praying that the cochlear implant surgery happens soon enough that he is on his feet in time to be here for the birth of his first grandchild, and that the implant works well and he will be able to hear. Thinking of and praying for my dad tonight.
So sorry to hear that news. I'll be praying for you and your dad.
i am so sorry sara! that is awful. he will definitely be in our prayers...
Sara, I am just shocked! I will be praying for your dad to have a FULL recovery. Talk to you soon friend.
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