Saturday, December 19, 2009
When I get super busy and feel totally overwhelmed, blogging is one of the things that just falls by the wayside. We're still here. Today I am trying to finish decorating for Christmas. In a new house, it has taken longer, just trying to decide where to put things. I also had some new ideas I wanted to try and have had to wait until I could run to Hobby Lobby or Michaels to get a few things. I am also trying to finish shopping, wrapping, baking, and making ornaments for my piano and flute students (super cute and super easy, I will blog them when I'm finished.) Tomorrow my students are playing at a local nursing home. I can't wait! They all do such a great job! We're also having a plumbing problem which we hope is minor, and my car is leaking power steering fluid. Craig has been working on the car all day and has given up and is taking it to someone who knows more. It's been a crazy couple of days. Maybe later tonight, I can post some pictures.
Friday, December 11, 2009
When I was in college at Cedarville University, I had the privilege of traveling with a worship team. Almost every weekend and during breaks from school, we would travel all over the country leading worship in churches and leading activities for youth groups. I made some of the best friends I've ever had on my teams. I'll have to post some of our team pictures. Our hair and matching outfits are hilarious now. I recently received the latest CD of this group today. They recently recorded a live worship CD. It is great! I have it on my iPod and listen to it every morning at the Y - well, almost every morning. I haven't left the house in 4 days now. The music is so encouraging and I love starting my day with a workout and worship. There is something really great about both together. I knew a couple of the team members on this CD when they were toddlers. One is from Iowa and his dad's youth group did things with my church youth group when I was in Jr. High and High school. Another is the worship team director's son. He was 3 or 4 and would come with his dad to some of our rehearsals sometimes. Really enjoying their music!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
It's Coming!
We have a little snow and more is coming today and tomorrow. I have been telling Craig that I would love to be snowed in at home with he and Jack. I love the idea of the Christmas lights glowing, the scent of Christmas candles, a fire in the fireplace, and the three of us being at home together with no where to go. It sounds like that just might happen tomorrow. Craig will still have to do some work from home, but it will probably be a short day for him. :)
I plan to finish decorating today. I have had the boxes and tubs sitting in the dining area for a week now. We had a very busy weekend and I didn't get to it. The tree has been up, there is just nothing on it. I love to decorate so it should be a fun day. It just takes a little longer with a 3-year-old's help!
I plan to finish decorating today. I have had the boxes and tubs sitting in the dining area for a week now. We had a very busy weekend and I didn't get to it. The tree has been up, there is just nothing on it. I love to decorate so it should be a fun day. It just takes a little longer with a 3-year-old's help!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Morning Funny
I got a new phone yesterday. I have needed one for quite a while. It just so happened that this weekend U.S. Cellular had phones for free with a rebate. I waited until yesterday afternoon hoping there wouldn't be much of a wait. There still was. The place was packed. Anyway, my new phone does a lot more than my old phone did. Jack LOVES anything with buttons. He wanted it this morning. I explained that he couldn't play with it. He said, "but I just want to listen to music." I don't know how he even knew that it plays music. I told him, "there isn't any music on it yet. I don't know how to put it on." He said so matter-of-factly, "You need to download some...that's the problem!" How did he know that? We're constantly amazed at things he knows and says.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
New Fun

Grandpa and Grandma came yesterday and brought a trailer-full for us. Grandpa picked up a swing set at a garage sale for Jack. The weather was great yesterday and today for playing outside. He loves it!
A couple weeks ago I found a computer armoire on Craig's list. It was too big for Craig's pickup. It would have hung out a little bit and we weren't crazy about hauling it home on the interstate that way. It was in Des Moines. We met my dad and step-mom there. My dad has a trailer so, he took it home and brought it with the swing set yesterday.
I've been watching Craig's list for a coffee table for my music room. I had looked at one downtown at a furniture store going out of business. They really tried to convince me that it was a "steal of a deal," at a very low $300. I found one on Craig's list that is almost identical for $30. It was located right off the interstate in Des Moines on my dad and step-mom's way here. I talked to the seller just before they were to have a truck come haul it away to charity. I was thrilled and it arrived here yesterday with the armoire and swing set. Oh what fun! I love Craig's list! :) Hmmmm...what else can I find in the Des Moines area so we can see Grandpa and Grandma more often?
Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009

We had a great day yesterday. We had some of my family and some of Craig's family. I have been waiting for so long, to have the room to host family get-togethers. It's truly something I like to do. It has been like Christmas for me the last couple months. As we have been unpacking, I've been finding wedding gifts that we hadn't used because there was no need to use them at our first, small house. Yesterday I used several gifts as I set the table and prepared the food.
Today Jack has been helping put away the fall decor and get out the Christmas stuff. We haven't gotten very far. Craig and Jack are napping now and I'm going to push through the urge to nap and try to get some things done. I don't do Black Friday so we are having a nice day at home.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I Should Be....
getting my house and the food ready for Thanksgiving. I'm procrastinating. The weather makes me want to curl up on the couch with Jack to read books or watch a movie. I guess if I'm going to serve something more than cold cereal or peanut butter and jelly, I'd better get going. I still need to run to the grocery store to pick up a couple things I forgot. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Really Trying
Halloween 2009

Jack wanted to be a pickle for Halloween. When I asked him why, he said, "because I like to eat pickles!" I looked for a costume. We found one online for $40. I didn't want to spend that much, thought about making one and really just ran out of time. The morning of the 31st, I asked Craig what we were going to do for the poor little fella. He said, "I'll take care of it." The pictures speak for themselves. You would have guessed Craig put the costume together.
Oh My!
I can't believe it has been almost a whole month since I posted. I think I'll do some catching up today. I have a lot of pictures. Here is the problem; neither Craig nor I, are technologically smart. There is some sort of glitch in our computer that is making it extremely slow. We do know that we need to add some more memory. When I download pictures and try to edit them, it is taking almost 10 minutes per picture. I don't have the time. I will go ahead and post some today. Just ignore the red eye. We'll get it figured out. I also moved our computer upstairs to the main floor. It was in a basement room that is Craig's office/craft room/catch-all room at the moment. I run down to switch loads of laundry but didn't very often stay to be on the computer. I found a great computer armoire on Craig's list. I'm going to paint it and the computer will be in the music room. I hope to become a regular blogger once again. On with the long past due posts!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Shopping With a Purpose
The Water 4 Christmas Etsy shop is now open for business! These items are all hand made. Items are selling quickly but more are being made too! What a great way to give gifts with meaning to friends and family! Hurry and take a look!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Baby Toys
A Few Pictures
I really need to make a point this week to take pictures of our house and post them. I just get busy and forget. Here are a few --- (they weren't taken intentionally to show you our house, so they really aren't very great pictures. I'll take some more soon :)
The fireplace in the family room.
The formal living room in the front of the house is my music room - it is still a work in progress.
The family room - where we seem to be spending most of our time.

For Colorado Relatives
Catching Up Today

Today, I'm trying to catch up on some long overdue blog posts. I'm still working on unpacking, painting, and settling. I've decided that is probably going to be ongoing for about a year and I'm fine with that. We have unpacked everything we use and a lot we don't. I had resolved when we moved here to go through everything we own and get rid of what we don't need. We have gotten rid of A LOT and it feels great. We had a garage sale a couple weeks ago. I wanted to do it yet this fall and thought surely the one of the first weekends in October would still be nice enough weather for a garage sale. It was VERY cold and snowed! Today is beautiful. Oh well. We still sold a lot and made a little extra money to get some things we need for this house.
Monday, October 05, 2009
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Happy Birthday, Jack!

Jack celebrated his 3rd birthday Sunday. We had fun. Jack requested a Curious George party. The last couple days he has been asking me, "Where's the Yellow Hat?" I tell him we ate it and just like in all other discussions he says, "Why?" (everything is "Why, Mama?") We had a lot of family here. I think several of us shared illnesses of some kind. Jack and I are finally feeling a little better today. Here's a couple pictures and I'll try to add more later.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Here is another great opportunity to give to clean water! I have a little time today to be on the computer and am trying to do a little catching up. Craig and I are so excited to be a part of something so great. For our friends and family that haven't heard us talk about water yet, here it is. Our good friend Jody, has a passion for water. She has helped to open our eyes to the need. You can see more statistics, information and ways to be involved here. We are getting ready for some exciting events in the next few months. I will share more opportunities for you to be involved as they come. Tom, spray painting in the video, is our neighbor. I'm off to email him that we want water on our driveway! Consider how you might provide water.
This Season
I know this is just a season, but I don't seem to be handling this season very well. Last night I had another meltdown, about all that needs to be done, and how I don't seem to get enough done. I'm trying to sort through almost everything we own and get rid of what we don't need. I'm planning a garage sale for one of the first weekends in October. When I look out in the garage, I want to slam the door shut. It seems like a huge, insurmountable task at the moment. That along with still putting some things away, painting, trying to find curtains, hanging things on the wall, organizing, the regular home maintenance (laundry, cleaning, meal planning, buying groceries, paying bills) potty training, giving piano lessons, getting up at 5:00 every morning to go to the Y, and getting ready for company and Jack's birthday, are wearing me out. I don't feel like I am balancing things very well. Craig told me to stick to one thing until it's done but when I look at my list, I don't think it will really work like that. A lot of my list is connected with another part of my list. I'll just keep trying to take it a day at a time, but if you know the secret to balance, could you please share it?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Just Going With The Flow
Craig and I have been talking about how humorous our moving goals were. My original goal was to have all the unpacking, painting, and decorating done by September 1st. Ha! I wanted it done before my schedule became crazy with music lessons. That didn't happen and it's OK. Piano/flute lessons are going really well. I'm slowly learning to just do what I can do each day and let it go. I'm finally realizing that it might be winter before I feel like we're really settled and in a routine. This weekend and coming week I am getting ready for a garage sale. As I have been unpacking, I have done some major purging and it feels GREAT!!! There is a huge pile in the garage for me to mark and organize this week. I'm hoping to make enough to get some bar stools I like at Target for our kitchen. I would also like to decorate Jack's "big boy room." We had waited until we moved to put him in a twin bed (it was just easier with everything else that was going on). He loves it. He told me yesterday he wants red and blue in his room. That should be easy enough.
The next week I will be trying to get ready for company and Jack's birthday. I know people know we moved recently, but I would like the downstairs to look put together and not like we just moved.
Tomorrow we'll try to find something fun to do for Craig's birthday. I love the weekend!
The next week I will be trying to get ready for company and Jack's birthday. I know people know we moved recently, but I would like the downstairs to look put together and not like we just moved.
Tomorrow we'll try to find something fun to do for Craig's birthday. I love the weekend!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Still A Lot of Chaos!
I feel like we are still living in complete chaos. Most of the unpacking is done. I have most of the downstairs painted. I keep seeing places that need to be touched up after I put the paint away. I have a HUGE garage sale pile in the garage. I just feel like it will never be done. I am TIRED. I am trying this week, to get organized for piano lessons. I had several students take a break for the summer and they are all returning next week. I have so many great ideas that I wanted to implement this fall. I needed about a month to get ready and I have had a few hours this week. I feel like I am barely keeping my head above water...BUT we love our house. I daily thank God for this blessing and will just keep taking it a day at a time. I have something on the calendar almost every day in September. It will fly by and then it will be time to start thinking about the holidays. Oh my!!!
"I Work Hard, Momma!"
Friday, August 21, 2009
I hope you're still with me out there. I'm having trouble with our computer. Last night I tried for over an hour to download pictures to post some to my blog. There will be some soon!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Maybe Tomorrow
I won't be getting to pictures tonight. I am tired and there is a huge pile of clothes on our bed that I have to go put away before I can sleep in the bed. I did accomplish a lot today. Maybe I will finally get to pictures tomorrow. My day seemed to fly by very qickly.
I've been trying to find some time to make it to the computer. Tonight, after Jack goes to bed, I have it on my schedule to catch up on paperwork and the computer. I will post pictures then. I have a few hours now without Jack, and need to finish unpacking today!!! That will be wonderful!
Monday, August 10, 2009
We Are Moved!
We are moved to our new house. We love it! We got a lot unpacked and some painting done last week, the first week in our house. We are still working on it. I will have to post some pictures soon, when I find the camera cable for the computer. There are several things I haven't located yet. Jack has adjusted extremely well and loves the house too. He doesn't ever want to leave to go anywhere. He says, "Stay at new house!" Craig and I are both extremely tired. I think that we've just both hit a wall and have been able to relax a little bit now that our other house is sold, and we have actually moved. I still feel a little stressed as I want the house unpacked and painting done before the beginning of September. I have several new piano students starting then, and my schedule will be full. Well, I better get back to unpacking while Jack is napping!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Almost There!
I have just two sections of my kitchen cupboards and the bathroom left to pack. The upstairs is completely empty and cleaned. Craig and some friends just left for the garage of our new house with the piano, hide-a-bed and wardrobe boxes. Our closing on our current house is at 10:30 on Friday and then the closing for the house we are buying is at 11:00. Then we get to move everything from the garage into the house! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's been a long week!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Getting Closer
I know I have done a terrible job of blogging lately. I've been busy packing and organizing. We are moving most of the big furniture into the garage of our next house this coming weekend. The owner wouldn't give us early possession, but is letting us into the garage. Craig and I will move the rest of the boxes and little things (whatever isn't done next weekend) the next week. We close on the 31st. My plan is then to go in and clean that afternoon and do some painting over the weekend. I hope to revamp my blog after we move. I need to post regular pictures and post more updates on Jack. He is so funny! He made us a little nervous Friday. He loves McDonald's ice cream. I had gotten him some and we brought it home to eat. He was eating it and I heard a loud crunch. He had bitten the spoon. When he took it out of his mouth, there was a piece of the spoon missing. I asked him if he swallowed it and he said he did. I called the doctor and they advised taking him to the ER. As soon as we walked into the ER, they started testing the fire alarms. They were SO LOUD and kept ringing for about 15 minutes. Jack started crying because it was so loud. I was trying to fill out paperwork and comfort him at the same time. Thank goodness Craig came before they took him back for X-rays. He was definitely not thrilled about that either. They didn't see any damage from the jagged chunk of spoon he swallowed. They sent us home and told us to watch him and watch his diapers for the chunk. Lovely! He seems to be fine now. Today I am relaxing a little and am trying to get motivated to do more packing.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
How Many Days...?
We are counting on closings of the house we are selling and the house we are buying on August 3rd. It could happen sooner. I'm praying nothing else happens, that requires a big purchase, before we have to move. Our oven quit just a few weeks ago so we had to buy a new one. When we were painting the 3-season porch, one of the big windows was broken. Our next house may need a new furnace soon. This is turning into quite the pricey adventure. We're hoping it's smooth sailing from here to our next house. I am enjoying the new oven!

New Leaves

I hope that once we are moved and settled, I can turn over several new leaves. Things have just seemed so unorganized and chaotic for months. I don't function well in chaos and it is taking a toll on me. I'm trying to hang on for a few more weeks. We have been working hard to finish the list of projects requested by the buyers of our house. My job most of the time is to keep Jack busy so daddy can climb the ladder and paint. I did quite a bit of painting too during nap time. There are so many things I can't find right now. Craig keeps telling me they will show up as I pack or unpack. I have grand plans for great organization in a house with more space and more storage. We'll see what happens.
Our 4th of July was eventful. I will spare you all the details but will share hightlights. We went to the wedding of the owner of the company Craig works for. It was out in the country at his house. It had been raining all day. Jack hadn't had a nap (just the way it worked yesterday.) Craig had to take his company truck to bring back a piece of machinery. Lots of things happened between home and the wedding (even before we left home.) When we got there, the guy in charge of parking, told Craig to park in a back field (I guess because we had the big pick up.) The field was one big mud hole. I walked in mud up to my shins holding up my pants to a wedding. Lovely!!! Needless to say, I was not a happy camper. Jack hadn't had a nap and was wound! This made for such a wonderful evening. It will be a day to remember for sure.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Really...You Just Have To Laugh
I just got a call and the inspector for the FHA appraisal is coming in 2 hours. What?!!! I didn't get any warning. I took Jack for a quick ride in the car, because I knew that would put him to sleep. He is sleeping now in his bed and I am racing to pull the house together! We are in the middle of several projects. I will just have to explain what is going on. Gotta love it :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
We've been working on BIG projects. After the inspection of our house, the buyers wanted all peeling paint scraped and painted because they knew that FHA would be picky about that. We had wanted to get that done anyway. All day Saturday and Sunday, Craig's mom, and her friend Henry, helped us scrape and paint the inside and outside of our 3-season porch. We took off all the screens, scraped and painted the 12 storm windows and the rest of the porch. Craig's mom and I are still working on the screens. We worked yesterday until it was just too hot (100+ degrees) and will start again this morning. Craig has been working on the the other windows around the house and any other peeling paint he finds. The FHA appraisal for the buyers is all that is left to do. We are praying it goes well. July will be a busy month. I think Craig and I will both be ready to relax for a while once we are moved and settled. I'll try to get some pictures of our projects today. Jack has been a great helper too.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I know my posts are all about our house and the process of selling/buying. Sorry, if I'm extremely boring. It's just where we are right now. We finally heard yesterday, our current home doesn't have radon and the inspection went fine. Our realtor will get a copy of the report tomorrow. Now we are just waiting to hear about closing dates. It was depending on the buyers of our home getting their financing. They are pre-approved but getting an FHA loan. I've heard that can take a little longer.
This weekend I'm playing for a wedding. I practiced with the vocalist yesterday. I'm still giving a few piano/flute lessons this summer. Jack and I are going to try to go the library and the Y this morning. I have felt so unorganized. On my crazy days, it seems to be trips to the Y that get cut. I know that should be the last thing I cut. I've been struggling to stay motivated or find time lately. If anyone is looking for a walking partner (early morning or after kids' bedtimes - let me know.) So glad the sun is shining this morning!
This weekend I'm playing for a wedding. I practiced with the vocalist yesterday. I'm still giving a few piano/flute lessons this summer. Jack and I are going to try to go the library and the Y this morning. I have felt so unorganized. On my crazy days, it seems to be trips to the Y that get cut. I know that should be the last thing I cut. I've been struggling to stay motivated or find time lately. If anyone is looking for a walking partner (early morning or after kids' bedtimes - let me know.) So glad the sun is shining this morning!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Not Really Any News
We still don't know anything about the inspection of our current house. The guy that did the inspection has been back two times to set up a different radon test kit, because they haven't been working right. Our realtor said we might hear something Monday. I just hate all the waiting. We had the house we are buying inspected and that went fine. We might be looking at new furnaces though. Ugh! The list of things requiring large sums of money, just keeps growing. I bought some used furniture at a sale. We are heading out this morning to go get it. I need some things as the house we are buying has quite a bit more room. I will be able to have a room for music lessons, and need a place for waiting parents and siblings to sit. I'm also looking for a dresser for Jack. I bought the furniture after Craig's mom sent me an email with pictures. We'll see what it looks like!
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
The inspection of the house we live in now, is tomorrow. Craig doesn't seem worried at all. I am nervous. I'm just praying that they don't have a long list of things they want us to fix. We want to put all of the money we have saved toward the downpayment of our next house. I'm also hoping that since they are having the inspection tomorrow, if everything else is ready to go, we could move up the closing date. I'm ready to move!!!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Ready Already
I'm so ready to be moved and settled. I know we've come a long way to get an offer and have an offer accepted on the house we want, but it seems like there is so much to do before we can be moved in and settled. The next hurdle is the inspection of our house. It makes us nervous. Our house is VERY old and there are some things we can't do much about but we know they could be "turn offs" to the buyers. When I think about all the packing, cleaning, painting, closings, etc., etc., it's a little overwhelming right now. Just trying to take it one day at a time and remembering my other friends trying to sell houses.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
The Longest Week
This last week has felt SOOOO long. We sold our house and then began the process of deciding what to do. My dad and stepmom came last Friday and looked at houses with us. Craig and I have prayed and prayed and prayed. We decided on a direction to move. We made our offer. The seller wasn't willing to come down much. Then we doubted our decision and struggled some more. I looked at more houses. There just wasn't anything else we liked or felt God was telling us to move towards. We counter-offered. The seller countered again a little lower than his first counter. As of this morning, we agreed on his last counter and he threw in the new washer and dryer with the house. We are excited but a little hesitant to talk about it much. Something could still happen with inspections or the buyers of our house. We pray that things continue to move forward smoothly. I really do want to jump up and down and scream today!!!
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A couple weekends ago, when it was warm all weekend, we filled Jack's pool. He LOVED it! We were outside for a couple hours and he still cried when it was time to go in the house. Our summer will be busy but fun! Even though our house is "sold," it's not a done deal until closings. Craig keeps reminding me that something could happen with the buyers between now and then. We're praying it doesn't. We have made an offer on a house and are waiting to hear from our realtor. I'm trying to enjoy the whole process now, and not wish away my summer. I'm ready to be settled and moving on to things that I've been wanting to do like, sewing, new ideas for my piano/flute students, potty training, moving Jack to a "big boy" bed, etc. Craig has a lot of things he would like to be doing too. We're getting closer!
Friday, May 29, 2009
As Of 4:05 pm Today....
our house is SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now we just have to figure out where we are going. Craig said we can always live in a tent for a few months since it's summertime.
Now we just have to figure out where we are going. Craig said we can always live in a tent for a few months since it's summertime.
Trying To Catch My Breath
We are still here. This week has been crazy and eventful. I don't have time to explain it all now. I will share pictures and details later.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Daddy's Shadow

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